
請試著去幫幫他或是轉寄, 謝謝

This person cannot talk but he can draw beautifully. Please help this child. Please read above article.


Teacher Hits Student (2006花蓮縣中城國小林玟妝老師案)


Now theTaiwanese education has to be changed. Teacher hit the studet with metalic stick. The wors thing is that the stick is broken and the student's body got bruises in his hips. The teacher is sick, she should get punished. Even I am angry in the classroom, I won't hit my students.


Christmas Carols

Now in my Junior Two classes, we are singing Christmas Carols. We are planning to sing for school authorities like Principal, Vice-Principal, Deans and more. We are working so hard and picking up the songs in each class. Hopping that they will enjoy singing and the authorities will enjoying listening.