Oral Test Guidelines
Junior One:
- Two people in one group
- One and half minute, two minutes maxim
- Use vocabulary from unites one to three
- They have to create a dialogue style
- They have to act
- They have to prepare picture / background scenery
The topic of this oral test is greeting, housing and clothing.
Students can get together and they are going to meet at the cafeteria. they start to greet each other (Unite 1) and they ask each other how they are doing. Students have to choose or create a scenery they like. After having a great snack at the coffee shop, they can say they are going shopping (unite 3) . While they are shopping, they have to like a piece of clothing. For example, the speaker A will say, I like this shirt, Speaker B will say I do not like this shirt but I like this skirt, so and so. After shopping for a shopping, they are tired, they can go to somebody's house to take R & R.
When they are in some one's house, the speaker one will introduce her house, for example, this is my living room, I have a big couch and sofa. This is my bedroom, I have a king size bed,I can sleep better and it is very comfortable. Also, in my bedroom, I have a lots of windows.
When they talk a piece of furniture or clothing, they can also bring their clothing or pictures to show to everyone. Students have to be very creative.
Junior Two:
- Two to three people in one group
- Two minutes
- Use vocabularies from unit one to three
- Dialogue style
- Background scenery
In junior two (8th graders), we have been learning greeting, personality and housing. This time of the test, they have to choose some one's personality. This can be their family members, or the person who they admire (actor/actresses). They have to include good and bad quality of the person.
Students run into each other at the department store. They greet each other and they ask each other how are they. After that, they can go together at some place. While they are talking, they can say I like Mikael Jordan, the other person can say, ya he is very handsome. they have to show personalities of the person. They have to bring pictures of that person or they can just draw it.
Students must be very creative and they have to prepare and be ready for the test.