
Junior One Field Trip (烏樹林)

Junior Ones ( seventh graders) at Sheng-Kung Girls' High School went to a field trip in Wushulin烏樹林. It seems every year at this time of the year, we will go to the same place.
They are my students from junior One B class. In Taiwan, we have 10 classes from junior one, 10 classes from junior two and 10 classes from junior three. We have 30 classes total from junior high school level. There's 50 students per class. These girls really enjoying their field study. This place is amazing, it is an open museum where people can see everything and enjoy the nature. These students are my students from the B class. They are very active and talkative in my class. I cannot never control them in my class.
Here is the dinosaur. There are all kinds of dinosaurs here in this museum.

If you have time with your family, you can go to this place and enjoy one day of educational trip with children.
Where: 台南縣後壁鄉烏林村184號
Telephone: (06) 685-2681
Children can enjoy playing in the water, there's water ball and they can be inside of the ball and run on top of the water. It is so cool. All the prices will include everything even the train ride.