Sheng-Kung is a Catholic School. Every year in our school we have the last supper. This day is very important not only for Christians but also Catholics.
Everyone cannot choose their own seat. The counseling center is already settle down for everyone. Here is my name in table number 12.
A lot of people arrived at the last supper.
Some dtuents arrived early and some stduents arrived late.
Other people are settle down the table for the last dinner. They do not only have to prepare the food but also they need to decorate the table.
A lot of food is ready to share with others. I really like the chicken is wonderful.
Students and teachers start to arrive.
Here are the stduents who will get washed their foot tonight. Here is my stduent and her friend.
Celine and Vicky are so happy.
My former stduents enjoying their meal.
This is my plate of food. It is so good.
After supper, we all go to the church. 12 stduents will get washed their feet.
Here is the process of washing feet one by one.
Our principal Juliana also helped.
At the end, we all take a group picture with my stduents who washed their feets today.